You Can Recover Your Unpaid Wages At No Cost. Your employer may be liable for large monetary damages that include penalties, interest, attorney fees and costs. Small disputes can lead to big PAY OUTS for YOU! |
Speak Directly To An Attorney (951) 458-5798 |
Experienced Unpaid Overtime & Wage Attorney
We Will Fight Your Employer for Overtime and Unpaid Wages You deserve to be fully paid for the work you perform. Federal and State law requires Employers to pay you for work performed in a timely manner. Employers regularly violate the law to cut costs and you pay the price.
Employers Commit Wage TheftEmployers regularly:
Your rights do not disappear, even when you are:
If your Employer is violating your rights, it is time to call the professionals at (951) 458-5798 What To Do If You Are Experience Wage Theft?First off, make a record of what is happening. Record by hand the hours worked during the pay period. Keep a log of any extra expenses due to unpaid wages. Bring your evidence to your employer and give them a chance to cure the damage.
What To Do If You Are Not Being Paid the Minimum Wage?Employers must pay you the California minimum wage even if you are of undocumented status. You should contact an attorney immediately if this is the case.
Date 25- Employees 26+ Employees January 1, 2017 $10.00/hour $10.50/hour January 1, 2018 $10.50/hour $11.00/hour January 1, 2019 $11.00/hour $12.00/hour January 1, 2020 $12.00/hour $13.00/hour January 1, 2021 $13.00/hour $14.00/hour January 1, 2022 $14.00/hour $15.00/hour January 1, 2023 $15.00/hour $15.00/hour My Employer Is Not Paying Me OvertimeFederal law requires employers to pay employees 1.5 times their regular hourly wage for every hour worked over forty hours a week. In addition, California law requires employers to pay employees double their regular pay for each hour over 12 hours worked in a day.
You are entitled to additional wages if you work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. You are entitled to double pay if you work more than 12 hours in a single week. If you believe your employer has withheld wages or overtime wages, you should immediately seek the advice of a lawyer with unpaid wage experience. We will put together evidence and make the case needed to get any wages your are entitled too. |