You Are Entitled to Meal and Rest Breaks. Your employer may be liable for large monetary damages that include penalties, interest, attorney fees and costs. Small disputes can lead to big PAY OUTS for YOU! |
Speak Directly To An Attorney Now (951) 458-5798 |
Experienced Employment Law Firm
We Will Fight Your Employer If They Fail to Give You Meal and Rest Breaks Workers are entitled to meal and rest breaks. Employers try to force employees to skip breaks through various means and they will not provide compensation for missed breaks. Most workers are afraid of consequences if they do not skip breaks.
California Meal and Rest BreaksCalifornia requires non-exempt workers are entitled to a paid rest period of 15 minutes per 3.5 hours worked.
Meal breaks are uninterrupted unpaid 30-minute periods of time when the employee does not have any work duties, such as monitoring a walkie-talkie or staying on the premises. The employer must over one meal break for every 8 hours worked no later than 5 hours after the start period. If your Employer is violating your rights, it is time to call the professionals at (951) 458-5798. |