Your Employer May be Liable for Sexual Harassment. Your employer may be liable for large monetary damages that include penalties, interest, attorney fees and costs. Small disputes can lead to big PAY OUTS for YOU! |
Speak Directly To An Attorney Now (951) 458-5798 |
Experienced Employment Law Firm
We Will Fight Your Employer If You Are Receiving Sexual Harassment At Work Workers are constantly subjected to sexual harassment by employers. Sexual harassment occurs when an employee experiences unwelcome sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with the performance of a person’s job or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceBoth Federal and State law protect employees from unwelcome sexual advances and conduct in the workplace.
This applies to all employees including unpaid interns, volunteers and independent contractors. The Federal law for sexual harassment in the workplace is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The California law for sexual harassment in the workplace is titled the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Typically, sexual harassment is considered a form of discrimination by employers. Sexual harassment can come in many forms including:
Your employer has a duty to create a harassment-free workplace. If your Employer is causing or failing to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, it is time to call the professionals at (951) 458-5798. |